
Claremore,好 房地产,手机版下载出售,学校 & 区域信息

克拉莫尔俄克拉荷马州是一个迷人的小镇,位于俄克拉荷马州东北部. 罗杰斯州立大学所在地, the city offers a variety of cultural and educational opportunities for residents of all ages. 市中心以独特的商店和餐馆为特色, 而附近的湖泊和公园提供户外娱乐.


  • 达拉沙利文
    History: Claremore is located in the heart of what was originally the Cherokee Nation in Indian Territory and currently serves as the county seat for Rogers County located at the intersection of Highway 88, 高速公路20, 和66号历史公路. The town's name is derived from the name of an Osage Indian Chief whose village was destroyed in a battle in the early 1800s. The town's history 公司ludes the Atlantic and Pacific Railways coming to town in the early 1880s later joined by the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway as well as the Missouri Pacific Railway. In 1919 the Oklahoma Military Academy was established and in 1937 the Works Progress Administration began constructing Rogers County Courthouse which is still used to this day. Several buildings and homes in towns have been registered as National Historic Places such as the Will Rogers Hotel, Belvidere, 还有门登霍尔澡堂. Rogers State University now sits on the former site of the Oklahoma Military Academy. Medical Services are provided to the community through Claremore Regional and the Public Health Service (Indian Hospital). Many Claremore citizens have gone on to reach fame and fortune 公司luding Lynn Riggs, 斯图尔特Roosa, 和帕蒂·佩奇. But Claremore is perhaps best known for being the home of Oklahoma's favorite son, Will Rogers. The Will Rogers Memorial Museum is located near Rogers State University and proudly displays movie memorabilia and some of Rogers's original writings.

    必做之事:克莱尔莫尔拥有一个美丽的湖泊,适合钓鱼运动, 走小路, 还有一个适合所有年龄段孩子的防水垫! 热爱大自然的人也会喜欢克莱尔莫尔山地自行车道! 如果你不是户外运动爱好者, you can check out the Will Rogers Memorial Museum full of movie memorabilia and Will Rogers history. Or you can check out the JM Davis Arms and Historical Museum which features the world's largest private gun collection and other interesting items such and Native American relics, 动物的角, 和乐器. If you love horses and racing you can check out the Blue Ribbon Downs where the excitement Is sure to get your blood pumping. 克莱尔莫尔有很多零售设施,可以让你的食品储藏室备货, 你家人的衣服和节日礼物都买好了. 在圣诞节期间, their downtown area hosts Dickens On The Boulevard which is a Christmas festival complete with holiday carolers sure to delight all the shoppers!

    人口和学校:Claremore目前人口超过18人,000 citizens and a school system whose district is ranked 17th in the state of Oklahoma according to www.不错的.com who also reports that the student-teacher ratio is 15: 1 and their overall district grade is a B+. 根据Niche的数据,该地区的运动员数量在全州排名第30位.

    Commute Times and Local Industries: Many of Claremore's citizens find work in construction, 制造业, 以及社区内的医疗保健. 对于那些通勤到塔尔萨工作的人来说, the average commute time is 31 minutes where jobs in various other industries such as financial, 行政, 或者可以找到石油和天然气. 整体, 克莱尔莫尔是一个自给自足的小镇,有杂货店, 零售商店, 银行, 邮局, and many service industries such as automotive repair and home improvement or contracting businesses.
  • 你准备好夏天游泳了吗? 克莱莫尔娱乐中心的游泳池现在开放供游泳. 1999年开业, the CRC is a large and modern recreation facility offering an Olympic-sized swimming pool with shallow swim areas for the kids. 您不需要成为Claremore的会员或居民就可以享受此设施. 周一至周日开放,CRC有很多东西可以提供. 欲了解更多信息,请谷歌克莱尔莫尔娱乐中心.
  • Claremore is close enough to Tulsa for commuters, but far enough away for a small-town feel. With great schools and family activities, it makes for a great place to call home. 快来看看吧.
  • 如果你看我的照片, you will see a great photo I took traveling down the famous Route 66 highway here in Claremore. 我爱火车! 刺耳的喇叭, 红灯闪烁的交警叮叮叮, 数千磅轧钢的隆隆声, even the creative graffiti and urban artwork and the chugging sound of the locomotives as they pass by still brings out my inner child.

    火车来的时候,我摇下车窗,把一切都看进去. 话虽如此, I do not live in Claremore where the growing population and the trains are an 公司onvenience for the citizens who live there. The city and the railways have been cooperating together to find solutions for everyone involved. It is an ongoing part of the growth and expansion of our rural areas here in Green County.

    大多数居民会告诉你,这是城市生活的一部分, some even say that you get used to it or hardly even notice the trains passing anymore. Still others grow frustrated with the constant hassle of having to wait for the trains to roll by so that we may proceed with our busy and productive lives. 我看到了事情的正反两面. 我用我的尼康D7000相机拍了火车照片. 这是一个老型号,但仍然做得很好.
  • 虽然在Claremore似乎没什么可做的, the county offers plenty of opportunity to not only have fun but to learn a little about the area. Claremore offers the Will Rogers Memorial and birthplace and the Frank Phillips House and Fort Gibson. 有人住过nen - mar shopping Center吗, 克莱莫尔广场, 及广场购物中心.
  • 问当地专家一个关于Claremore的问题.
    Claremore, 意思是“视野清晰的山”," got its name from an Osage Chief known as "Gra-moi" who was among the first settlers in the area. 自1883年以来,该市已与切罗基族合并, 自从1830年印第安人迁移法案以来.
  • 克莱尔莫尔镇是以奥塞奇印第安人酋长的名字命名的。. The chief lived nearby in a village that was destroyed in 1817 during the Battle of Claremore Mound.



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