
Bixby,好 房地产,手机版下载出售,学校 & 区域信息

俄克拉何马州的比克斯比是一个正在发展的城市,位于塔尔萨南部. 以其优秀的学校和家庭友好的氛围而闻名, Bixby为居民提供各种社区活动和娱乐活动. The city's close proximity to 塔尔萨 provides easy access to job opportunities and cultural amenities.

Bixby Area Insight

  • 向当地专家询问有关Bixby的问题.
    在比克斯比市中心, OK, Cooper Key Coffee House offers both warm indulgences and community to locals and visitors alike. 进入, the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the soft hum of conversations create an ambiance that is comfortable and inviting. 室内是乡村魅力和现代优雅的融合, 裸露的砖墙和舒适的皮椅. Cooper Key的核心当然是咖啡. 菜单上有一系列手工制作的饮料, 从经典的浓缩咖啡饮料的签名混合独特的库珀钥匙. Complementing the coffee offerings is a selection of freshly baked pastries and artisanal treats. Cooper Key Coffee House prides itself not just on its exceptional beverages and delectable bites, 同时也是一个社区中心. 在这个咖啡因和创造力的天堂, 库珀基咖啡馆(Cooper Key Coffee House)向顾客招手,让他们放慢脚步, 享受这一刻, 让自己沉浸在美味的融合中, 香气, 社区精神.
  • 达拉沙利文
    比克斯比镇得名于道斯委员会主席塔姆斯·比克斯比. What started as Creek allotments from the Creek (Muscogee) Nation turned into a small community known for its farmland and agricultural production. It is situated along the Arkansas River just 18 miles from 塔尔萨 and grew when the Midland Valley Railroad came to town. Early in the 1900s oil and natural gas were discovered nearby in Glenpool then known as Glenn Poll and Red Fork oilfields. They continued to grow through the Great Depression in the 1930s and eventually achieved a population that now exceeds 27,000公民. 该地区令人难以置信的增长, 从2000年到2020年增加了一倍多, 部分来自于繁华的都市塔尔萨的扩张. The town still has quite the agricultural influence along with sod farms and livestock growing. There are some light industrial and manufacturing jobs available through such employers as Kimberly Clark.

    The growth of the town has escalated the need for new school buildings as the expansion happened so rapidly. By 2022, Bixby Public 学校 had four elementary and intermediate sites and had doubled the size of their middle school, 增加了一个九年级的中心, 到2022年2月, 通过了一项新建和扩建更多高中设施的债券. 该地区在全州排名第12位,运动员排名第7位. 该地区的整体评级是A-,来自小众市场.com which also grades the district in academics, teachers, and college prep with A's. 这所学校最近自豪地获得了几个橄榄球州冠军, girls basketball has also played for the state title multiple times in recent years and the band continues to excel in their competitions both at home and abroad. 与此同时, the soccer and lacrosse teams are really gaining strength and building traditions in their respective programs as well.

    The city has so many activities for their young people and families at parks such as Washington Irving, 宾利体育中心, 和市中心的查理杨公园. 热爱大自然的人可以在比克斯荷马湖远足或划皮艇, 沿着河边慢跑, 带他们的孩子去南瓜园和当地农民的农产品零售店. The city and the Optimist Club host Green Corn Festival every year in June and the Rotary Club organizes the Barbeque and Blues Festival every May. 闹市区, 也被称为市中心河区, 目前正在振兴新的业务, 新的办公和零售空间, 并在查理杨公园举办音乐会等众多活动, 赌徒的批评,这是一个当地的自行车比赛为所有年龄, and trick or treating events every fall and a local Christmas parade organized by the Rotary Club every December.

    The town now boasts a quiet rural feel with convenient access to 塔尔萨 and surrounding communities for additional shopping and recreation. 到塔尔萨的通勤时间平均为30分钟,到马斯科吉的通勤时间平均为47分钟. 77% of Bixby's households are families and almost half have a Bachelor's degree or higher. Bixby的行业不同于银行业, 零售, 从轻工业/制造业到住宅建筑和建筑业. New residents cite the schools as the #1 reason for choosing to live in Bixby and www.利基市场.网站将其列为塔尔萨地区第二大最佳居住地. 你准备好搬去比克斯比了吗?
  • There are lots of new businesses in Bixby with great entertainment, food, and shopping. 考虑投资一个快速发展的城市Bixby是你的赌注..... 在2022年和2023年,很多项目正在进行中,并期待更多的项目即将到来.
  • 准备好享受一些适合家庭的户外乐趣? Bixby Rotary Club is hosting the 20th annual Bixby BBQ'n Blues Festival this weekend, 星期五和星期六, 5月7日至8日, 从5点到11点.m.在华盛顿欧文纪念公园. There are over 75 teams competing for the top prize of BBQ Grand Champion and the People's Choice Award. 会有音乐和食物让孩子们享受,还有有趣的事情让孩子们做. 人们也会购物,商家会提供他们的商品. 来吧,享受这个免费的活动,并支持比克斯比扶轮社.
  • 在比克斯比的查理杨公园,传统的彩灯已经亮起并开始运行. 庆祝活动于上周开始,将持续到12月20日. There are activities for the kids 公司luding a social distanced Santa's workshop and visits with Santa Claus himself. With the hard year that we have all experienced with the Covid-19 virus and all of the restrictions and changes it has brought to the community, 一定要走出去,探索节日的灯光. 这保证会让你2020年的假期更加美好.
  • 作为一个房地产经纪人, I'm always excited to show potential buyers all the fantastic amenities that Bixby has to offer, 华盛顿欧文公园也不例外. This beautiful 32-acre park is situated along the Arkansas River and is an outdoor lover's paradise. 无论你是喜欢步行还是骑自行车, the well-maintained trails offer the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty of the area.

    但这并不是华盛顿欧文公园的全部魅力. The park also holds a special significance as the final resting place for an I-beam from the Twin Towers, 作为对9/11事件的深刻致敬. 每年五月都会举办Bixby Blues And Bar-B-Que音乐节, it's clear that this park is a hub of activity and a gathering place for the community. 如果你想在比克斯比地区找个家的话, 选择一个有这么多可做可看的地方是不会出错的.
  • 向当地专家询问有关Bixby的问题.
    Bixby, in South 塔尔萨 County, was once a small town on the outskirts of 塔尔萨 with farms and fields. 但是,在过去的十年里,这个城市有了惊人的发展. 住房市场的特点是从初级住宅到价值百万美元的豪宅. There are many neighborhoods around Cedar Ridge Country Club 公司luding large horse properties located on the edge of Bixby, 越过阿肯色河.
  • 兰迪Gasswint
    Bixby OK is a southern suburb of 塔尔萨 and one of the fastest growing cities in Oklahoma. 比克斯比被称为“俄克拉何马州的花园景点”,拥有丰富的农业遗产. It is now known as a desirable place to live for the quality of its schools and construction of new neighborhoods, 以及纪念大道上优质零售店的增长, 商店和餐馆. 它的人均收入是塔尔萨都会区最高的.

